UN Income Tax Briefing 2025

Thursday, 06 February 2025 - 9:30am

The UN Income Tax Unit held a Tax Briefing on February 6, 2025, at UNHQ. The presentation covered general information about the UN tax reimbursement procedures and related filing requirements.

Preparing Your Tax Reimbursement Claim Package:

  1. Completed UN Form F65 (signed and dated)
  2. Completed UN Form F65A (signed and dated) if your duty station is outside the USA
  3. Completed IRS Form 4506-C (signed, date pre-populated)
  4. Signed Dependency Memorandum (if receiving a spousal or dependency allowance and not filing jointly or claiming the dependent)
  5. Proof of payment if you have already made payment on the balance due on your tax claim
  6. IRS Form 1040 (signed and dated) with all required forms and schedules
  7. State Tax return (signed and dated) with all required forms and schedules

Important Notes:

  • All UN forms are in Adobe Fill-in file format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete. Opening the file in a browser may cause it to lose some features.
  • Refer to the latest UN Circular on payment of 2024 US Income Taxes.